National Champs!

Team Hougang N Team Snickers

Saturday, September 8, 2007

National Juniors Champions!

Hey guys,

First of all, before anything else, a big big BIG congratulations to all of you. I don't think I need to say anything. You trained hard, you played hard, and now you reap the rewards of your effots.

You guys were honestly amazing. True, there were mistakes here and there, and we kinda took awhile to warm up, but I'm really happy to see how you've improved so much through all the trainings we've had. I'm really sorry I wasn't there to see you beat our arch-rival Snickers in the finals, but I'm sure it was a hard fought and well played match.

Anyway, I'll arrange for a time next week for Mr Chia to present the trophy and your medals to you in front of the school. It'll definitely be awesome publicity for our team next year. We'll take a break from training this Monday/Tuesday, but come Wednesday, I wanna know who's up for a friendly against ACJC (you accepted the challenge right??). We're gonna need at least 8 of you to put up a decent game against them, so can I ask Benjamin to be in charge of this friendly. Check if we have enough people and let me know by Monday so I can arrange with the ACJC players.

Once again, very very well done.

Mr Ng

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