National Champs!

Team Hougang N Team Snickers

Friday, July 27, 2007

Training Update

Hey Guys,

I had a great time at practice today, hope you guys enjoyed yourself too.

Please remember the few discipline issues that I expect of you as Ultimate players:
1) Punctuality
2) Attire (how hard is it to just wear you PE shorts??)
3) Language.

I'm glad that the number of vulgarities has decreased alot today. I hope you guys can continue showing great spirit as you continue to play Ultimate.

For those of you still unclear about the stack, please, please, PLEASE, read this link:

It'll really clarify alot of your doubts.

Other than that, it's been a great training session. Here's a warm welcome to our three new friends as well. Hope to see all of you on Tuesday, 2:30pm.

Mr Ng

ps. those of you who want to order discs, don't forget to let Rahmad know. Thanks.

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